Jumping off...

“we have to be continually jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down.”

Kurt Vonnegut.

Kurt and I agree. We're going to jump off cliffs people but other times we're just going to curl up in the cove, all cosy. Easy is boring but a little boring doesn't hurt now and then.

In this space, I'm going to let y'all see what happens when I play with words. You'll read my original not so original stories and poems. Oooooh, and articles. 

Yes! So get your reading glasses or just blink a few times and open your eyes really wide. You can squint too. If you like. 

The point is, we're going to have fun. Me most of all. I hope.

And I don't need y'all to love it but if you do, let me know, would you?

If you hate it, let me know! I'm sure I could take it.

Let's take off with what pushed me here. My love for books. You may have realised, how people in love tend to become matchmakers? That's me right now!

I'm going to nudge you into falling head over heels for fictional characters, authors and their words most of all. I can't promise it won't be a kick in the rear. 

Sit tight and enjoy.


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